Searching for roommates and tenants

Once you have created your ad on the site, you will be directed to your personalised search page.

To get started, use the panel on the left to set up any particular preferences you may have. If you can be flexible on the specifics, you will see more results in your search.


They can be set up to see:

  • People looking for a room in a specific radius from your property
  • Your preferred roommate age-range, gender and occupation
  • Profiles with images only.

Search results 

They are generated based on your  search criteria.

All of the people you see on your search page have chosen your location as one of their search  perimeters.

So that you have the best chance of finding a roommate we will show you people with  budgets up to 20% below your rent price.

Once you have found a potential roommate, do not hesitate to  contact them and to organise a viewing!

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